
Helping put Irish hotels back in business

The Hotel Investment Fund (HIF) has been established to support hotels in Ireland that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.  

The fund can provide hotel owners with gap funding over the medium-term to give them time to get their businesses back on their feet again. We want to see Irish hotels return to profitability and growth and the HIF will help this by giving them time to generate income again so that they can renew or refinance existing financial commitments or engage in new capital investment.     

The HIF provides financing to hotels under three categories: 
  • Working capital and cash flow funding 
  • Capital expenditure investment funding 
  • Green and environmentally sustainable investment funding  

The HRF can provide financing to hotels to under three categories:

Capital Opportunity

Working Capital and Cash Flow Funding

business and finance

Capital Expenditure Investment Funding

hotel growth

Green & Environmentally Sustainable Investment Funding